Draft Programme


Registration and accreditation


Local circular economy initiatives: international experiences

Axis 1

Youth, local economy and innovation

Axis 3

Tax incentives for fair and responsible financing of development

Axis 2

The generation of territorial pacts for the promotion of employment and local economic development

Axis 1

Local economic development and intermediate cities as structurers of the territory: Keys points from the World Forum of Intermediate Cities

Axis 3

Side Events


Trade Unionism and the SDGs


Local public-private partnerships for the promotion of talent and territorial business initiatives

Axis 1

Territorial practices, strategies and policies for women's economic empowerment

Axis 3

Local and community water resource management: impact and solutions for the local economy

Axis 3

Financing local economic development: Challenges for subnational governments

Policy Dialogue
Axis 2

How to implement ethical and responsible public procurement in local administration and its effect on the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) of the territory

Axis 1

Side Events

High level plenary

The triple transition: Opportunities for employment and Local Economic Development

Axis 1

Energy transition as a potential for territorial economic development

Axis 1

Territorial policies and multi-level partnerships for a sustainable agricultural economy

Axis 3

Multi-level governance focusing on LED and fiscal frameworks

Axis 1

Internationalization of territorial micro and SMEs and territorial financing

Axis 2

Side Events


Development agencies and other local instruments: empowering a people-based global network

Policy Dialogue
Axis 3

The role of cooperatives in financing the economy and territorial development

Axis 2

Employment in rural areas and alliances for the promotion of rural economic and decent employment

Axis 3

Territorial food sovereignty and short channels: Promoting local consumption

South-South, triangular, and decentralized cooperation experiences to promote the triple transition and employment

Axis 1

Side Events


Official opening


Subnational people-based LED policies

Policy Dialogue
Axis 3

Territorial ecosystems for development financing: proposals from decentralized cooperation

Axis 2

FAMP Care Observatory

Networks for fair trade and territorial employment

Axis 1

Keys to promoting territorial branding strategies and designation of origin

Axis 3

Global experiences on public banking, ethical banking and local credits for territorial financing

Axis 2

Side Events



Public policies to promote capacity building for employment in the territory

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Informal economy and its contribution to local economic development

Axis 1

Local experiences of financing green entrepreneurial initiatives

Axis 2

Migrations and green jobs

Axis 1

Care economy and its impact on LED and employment

Axis 3

Coalition for social justice as ILO’s global initiative: Subnational policies and LED

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Side Events


Territorial policies and alliances for local economic development to face climate change

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Innovative models of agencies/instruments in different regions for territorial articulation and cohesion

Axis 3

Experiences of territorial reinvestment of business sector profits in LED

Axis 2

LED strategies and cross-border cooperation: Uniting territories

Axis 3

Side Events


Territorial experiences of alternative financing for micro, SMEs, SSE

Axis 2

Territories in conflict: LED as a peace-building mechanism. Coordination with the World Peace Forum

Axis 3

Citizen participation and co-governance in the design of policies and promotion of LED

Axis 3

Remittances and migration as financing pathways for territorial economic development

Axis 2
High level plenary

A new perspective on territorial economy based on people and the planet. Economy and localization of the 2030 Agenda

Axis 3

Side Events


Capacity building and local co-responsibility for endogenous development: co-governance and multi-stakeholder alliances

Policy Dialogue
Axis 2

WFLED - Global Agency Network

Axis 3

Territorial ecosystems experiences for financing new economies

Axis 1

Experiences of energy communities as a driver for employment and LED in Latin America and Europe

Axis 1

Proposals for the territorial promotion of care policies

Axis 3

Public infrastructure policies for the generation of territorial economic opportunities

Axis 3

Territory and implementation of alternative and sustainable economy strategies: new post-crisis models and capacity building

Axis 1

Side Events

High level plenary

Territories facing the FfD4 agenda: Keys and contributions for just territorial financing for development

Axis 2

The ESS and care

Axis 3

Promoting local public services through social, financial, and decent job-generating profitability

Axis 1

Guiding the knowledge sector to territorial priorities and potentials: practices from green employment

Axis 1

Ecotourism and LED

Axis 3

Chamber of Commerce Alliances: How to Promote Territorial Development

Axis 2

The future of local employment in the face of AI: how to generate opportunities from the territory

Axis 1

Side Events


Closing Ceremony

Cultural programme and technical visits

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