Just transition, financing for development and territorial solutions

From 1 to 4 April 2025, the city of Seville, Spain, will host the sixth edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development.

VI Forum

The main purpose of the World Forum for Local Economic Development (WFLED) is to promote the local economic development approach . To do this, it seeks to advance the political debate and strengthen global associations in order to achieve concrete actions at the local, national and international levels.

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Draft Programme


Registration and accreditation


Local circular economy initiatives: international experiences

Axis 1

Youth, local economy and innovation

Axis 3

Tax incentives for fair and responsible financing of development

Axis 2

The generation of territorial pacts for the promotion of employment and local economic development

Axis 1

Local economic development and intermediate cities as structurers of the territory: Keys points from the World Forum of Intermediate Cities

Axis 3

Side Events


Trade Unionism and the SDGs


Local public-private partnerships for the promotion of talent and territorial business initiatives

Axis 1

Territorial practices, strategies and policies for women's economic empowerment

Axis 3

Local and community water resource management: impact and solutions for the local economy

Axis 3

Financing local economic development: Challenges for subnational governments

Policy Dialogue
Axis 2

How to implement ethical and responsible public procurement in local administration and its effect on the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) of the territory

Axis 1

Side Events

High level plenary

The triple transition: Opportunities for employment and Local Economic Development

Axis 1

Energy transition as a potential for territorial economic development

Axis 1

Territorial policies and multi-level partnerships for a sustainable agricultural economy

Axis 3

Multi-level governance focusing on LED and fiscal frameworks

Axis 1

Internationalization of territorial micro and SMEs and territorial financing

Axis 2

Side Events


Development agencies and other local instruments: empowering a people-based global network

Policy Dialogue
Axis 3

The role of cooperatives in financing the economy and territorial development

Axis 2

Employment in rural areas and alliances for the promotion of rural economic and decent employment

Axis 3

Territorial food sovereignty and short channels: Promoting local consumption

South-South, triangular, and decentralized cooperation experiences to promote the triple transition and employment

Axis 1

Side Events


Official opening


Subnational people-based LED policies

Policy Dialogue
Axis 3

Territorial ecosystems for development financing: proposals from decentralized cooperation

Axis 2

FAMP Care Observatory

Networks for fair trade and territorial employment

Axis 1

Keys to promoting territorial branding strategies and designation of origin

Axis 3

Global experiences on public banking, ethical banking and local credits for territorial financing

Axis 2

Side Events



Public policies to promote capacity building for employment in the territory

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Informal economy and its contribution to local economic development

Axis 1

Local experiences of financing green entrepreneurial initiatives

Axis 2

Migrations and green jobs

Axis 1

Care economy and its impact on LED and employment

Axis 3

Coalition for social justice as ILO’s global initiative: Subnational policies and LED

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Side Events


Territorial policies and alliances for local economic development to face climate change

Policy Dialogue
Axis 1

Innovative models of agencies/instruments in different regions for territorial articulation and cohesion

Axis 3

Experiences of territorial reinvestment of business sector profits in LED

Axis 2

LED strategies and cross-border cooperation: Uniting territories

Axis 3

Side Events


Territorial experiences of alternative financing for micro, SMEs, SSE

Axis 2

Territories in conflict: LED as a peace-building mechanism. Coordination with the World Peace Forum

Axis 3

Citizen participation and co-governance in the design of policies and promotion of LED

Axis 3

Remittances and migration as financing pathways for territorial economic development

Axis 2
High level plenary

A new perspective on territorial economy based on people and the planet. Economy and localization of the 2030 Agenda

Axis 3

Side Events


Capacity building and local co-responsibility for endogenous development: co-governance and multi-stakeholder alliances

Policy Dialogue
Axis 2

WFLED - Global Agency Network

Axis 3

Territorial ecosystems experiences for financing new economies

Axis 1

Experiences of energy communities as a driver for employment and LED in Latin America and Europe

Axis 1

Proposals for the territorial promotion of care policies

Axis 3

Public infrastructure policies for the generation of territorial economic opportunities

Axis 3

Territory and implementation of alternative and sustainable economy strategies: new post-crisis models and capacity building

Axis 1

Side Events

High level plenary

Territories facing the FfD4 agenda: Keys and contributions for just territorial financing for development

Axis 2

The ESS and care

Axis 3

Promoting local public services through social, financial, and decent job-generating profitability

Axis 1

Guiding the knowledge sector to territorial priorities and potentials: practices from green employment

Axis 1

Ecotourism and LED

Axis 3

Chamber of Commerce Alliances: How to Promote Territorial Development

Axis 2

The future of local employment in the face of AI: how to generate opportunities from the territory

Axis 1

Side Events


Closing Ceremony

Cultural programme and technical visits


The World Forum on Local Economic Development (WFLED) is part of an open working process that brings together a strong multi-stakeholder alliance of committed governments, national and international organizations, who recognize the potential of the local economic development approach and work together to advance the debate and strengthen a global partnership for specific actions.

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What is LED?

According to the International Labour Organization, local economic development is defined as a development process that promotes partnership agreements between private and public actors in a given territory, allowing the joint design and implementation of a common development strategy and the use of local resources and comparative advantages.

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