Just transition, financing for development and territorial solutions

From 1 to 4 April 2025, the city of Seville, Spain, will host the sixth edition of the World Forum of Local Economic Development.

VI Forum

The main purpose of the World Forum for Local Economic Development (WFLED) is to promote the local economic development approach . To do this, it seeks to advance the political debate and strengthen global associations in order to achieve concrete actions at the local, national and international levels.

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Draft Programme


Official opening


The World Forum on Local Economic Development (WFLED) is part of an open working process that brings together a strong multi-stakeholder alliance of committed governments, national and international organizations, who recognize the potential of the local economic development approach and work together to advance the debate and strengthen a global partnership for specific actions.

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What is LED?

According to the International Labour Organization, local economic development is defined as a development process that promotes partnership agreements between private and public actors in a given territory, allowing the joint design and implementation of a common development strategy and the use of local resources and comparative advantages.

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