To schedule: Webinar “Companies and workers in the informal economy: the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis”
We invite you to the webinar organized by the Agency for Economic Development of the city of Córdoba (ADEC) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), on Thursday, May 6 at 9:00 a.m. (Argentina) anticipating what the Forum will be like. World Cup of Local Economic Development that will take place from May 26 to June 1.
The appearance of COVID-19 in the world has generated unprecedented effects in the labor markets of Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. Currently, different countries are faced with the need to promote the transition of workers and economic units to the formal economy with the aim of promoting the creation, preservation and sustainability of companies and decent jobs in the formal economy.

For this reason, the Webinar “Companies and workers in the informal economy: those most vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis” proposes to generate a space for dialogue and reflection on the effectiveness of possible public policy alternatives on economic growth and labor markets, facilitating reflection and analysis on the challenges to reduce informality.
The methodology of the webinar will be through a panel of four speakers and a moderator: one speaker from Latin America/Córdoba, one speaker from Asia, one speaker from Africa, one expert speaker from the ILO and one moderator. The speakers will be:
- Guillermo Acosta – Secretary of Economy and Finance of the Municipality of Córdoba.
- My Thuan Nguyen – Vice President/General Secretary – Can Tho City Business Association
- Caroline Skinner – Urban Research Director for the global policy research network Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing and a Senior Researcher at the African Center for Cities at the University of Cape Town
- Elva López Mourelo – ILO Inclusive Labor Markets Officer
- Moderator: Daniel Alonso, Head of new product development at La Voz del Interior.
Topics such as:
- The transition from the informal economy to the formal economy;
- The factors that stimulate the transition to the formal economy focusing on micro and small businesses in specific sectors;
- Business, employment, labor and social policies appropriate for this context.
- Strengthening the capacity of employers’ and workers’ organizations that can contribute to reaching the informal sector and promoting the transition to the formal economy;
- Economic growth to generate more jobs that are of better quality in the current context.
Participation is free with prior registration.
About ADEC:
The Agency for the Economic Development of the City of Córdoba (ADEC) is a non-profit institution that promotes the economic and social development of the city of Córdoba and its metropolitan region. ADEC articulates private actions with those of the public sector and promotes reflection on policies for the development of the City of Córdoba and its metropolitan area. At the same time, it enhances business initiative, its capacity for innovation and management, and proposes state strategies and policies.