The V World Forum on Local Economic Development will be held in Córdoba
The V World Forum on Local Economic Development “Innovation in territories for a better quality of life” will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, from May 6 to 8, 2020.
This fifth edition of the LED World Forum is organized by a coalition of partners, brought together in a National Committee and an International Committee. The National Committee is made up of ADEC -Agency for the Economic Development of the city of Córdoba-, the Municipality of Córdoba, the Government of the Province of Córdoba and the National Government. In addition, the International Committee is made up of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG); the Organization of United Regions / Forum of Regional Governments and Global Associations of Regions (ORU Fogar); the International Labor Organization (ILO); the Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI); the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE); The municipality and metropolitan city of Turin; and the Government of Cape Verde.
The World Forum for Local Economic Development is an ongoing process that promotes international dialogue on Local Economic Development (LED), continues to strengthen a global alliance between a wide range of actors, fosters concrete partnerships at national and local levels, and stimulates policies to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level. The event aims to promote reflection, debate and action to generate open and plural alternatives on new forms of development to influence the global agenda.
After holding regional and global forums on several continents since 2011, the V World Forum arrives in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, and will bring together officials from national, regional and local governments, civil society organizations, business organizations, universities, professionals and other international actors, estimating at least 2,500 participants from more than 100 countries.
The Forum focuses on three thematic lines: 1) The territory as a basis for social, economic and environmental innovation; 2) Territorial economic and productive models to address inequality; and 3) The future of work and the work of the future from a territorial perspective.
Over three days, there will be an extensive program with more than 40 plenary and simultaneous activities, consisting of 3 keynote conferences, 3 plenary sessions, 8 workshops, 16 round tables, 6 panels and more than 10 parallel and linking activities.
Accordingly, attendees will be encouraged to join the linkage activities, which consist of “Multi-Sector Linkage Meetings”, “Presenting Opportunities for Local Governments” (POO) and “Global Meeting of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems” (GMEE).
Free event, with online registration:
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