More than 70 high-level personalities confirmed at the IV World Forum on Local Economic Development
The United Nations will be represented at the highest level at the fourth edition of the Global Forum by the Under-Secretary-General, Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, who is also the High Representative for the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small islands in development. States (SIDS).
Parks Tau, president of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), and Josep Roig, secretary general of the same institution, will also be present. Abdessamad Sekkal, president of the United Regions Organization (ORU Fogar) and president of the Regional Council of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Morocco; Patrick Keuleers, Director of Governance and Peacebuilding at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Ministers, General Secretaries, Mayors of Spain, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Italy, Belgium, Syria, Peru and Belgium also confirmed their presence at the IV World Forum on Local Economic Development.
Africa will be represented at the highest level represented by Chris Baryomunsi, Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development of Uganda; Adama Diouf, president of the Association of Municipalities of Senegal; Oswaldo Petersburg, Deputy Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Republic of Mozambique; Mohamed Ould Maaouya, Minister of the Interior and Decentralization of Mauritania; Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio, president of the Assembly of Regions and Districts of Côte d’Ivoire (ARDCI), president of the Belie Regional Council and former prime minister of Côte d’Ivoire; Siméon Sawadogo, Minister of the Interior of Burkina Faso; among other senior national and local representatives of African countries and regions.
The private sector will be represented in Cape Verde by Peter Blom, CEO of Triodos Bank and president of the Global Alliance for the Netherlands Stock Exchange and Cristine Bouchard, president of RTES, vice president of Sustainable Development and Climate Plan of Air Energy in the Metropolitan Area of Lille, France.
From Cape Verde, the President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, the Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, the former President of the Republic, Pedro Verona Pires, as well as several ministers and members of the Government, will be present at the event.
Meet more forum speakers here: