I Regional Forum of Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean
Foros Intermedios
Quito, Ecuador
From May 18 to 19, 2015
I Regional Forum of Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean
The objective of the 1st Regional Forum was to facilitate dialogue and exchange on Local Economic Development (LED) between local, national and international actors. The focus was on the challenges to be addressed in Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the provision of basic services, the creation of decent jobs and support for micro, small and medium-sized businesses to achieve sustainable and inclusive development. The forum aimed to generate a common position on LED methodological practices and foster alliances for a greater impact on the development agenda of Latin America and the Caribbean. He strove to form a common regional vision and position on key issues.
A wide range of actors participated in this forum, including local, regional and national governments, representatives of multilateral organizations, academia and international cooperation institutions. The forum provided a platform to evaluate LED as a tool to implement the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.