Argentina ratifies its proposal to lead the debate on the role of the territories in the social and inclusive economic model
The debate on what territories can do to achieve social and inclusive economic models focuses on social participation, territorial development, the circular economy, social inclusion, employment and the role of sectors in new local scenarios. The mayor and president of the Agency for the Strategic Development of the City (ADEC), Mr. Ramón Mestre, received the news in Seville, within the framework of the International Seminar on Local Economic Development and Development Cooperation held in Seville.
The V World Forum will take place in Córdoba in September 2019 and will be organized by the Municipality of Córdoba, ADEC and the Government of the Province of Córdoba, with the support of the National Government.
During the nomination, Mestre, accompanied by Sebastián Parra, vice president of ADEC, and Marcelo Cossar, secretary of Modernization, Communication and Strategic Development of the city, said: “The city of Córdoba, which is currently chaired by MERCOCIUDADES, is having a special moment in listening to the cities. The celebration of the World Forum brings a very important potential to this discussion, which cannot be dispensed with by all territorial actors.” At the same time, he thanked both the National Government and the Governor for the support expressed for the celebration of the V Forum.
The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI), the Governments of Cape Verde and the City of Turin, the World Organization of Regions (ORU-FOGAR), the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP). ), the Network of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and Labor International (ILO).