Given the interest in organizing side events at the sixth edition of the World Forum on Local Economic Development, the Forum Secretariat will select applications ensuring balance and equal opportunities for all applicants.
The criteria for evaluating applications, in addition to regional balance and thematic relevance, are:
- Thematic linkage with the theme of the VI WFLED (see concept note).
- Quality of the proposal in terms of expected results and its contribution to the localization of the SDGs.
- Inclusiveness in terms of age and gender balance, as well as institutional representation.
- Regional and country balance in terms of participation of representatives or experiences from different countries and organizations.
- Innovation in the approach and methodology to promote learning and the exchange of experiences.
It is a requirement that the organisers have the necessary funds to mobilise the travel and accommodation costs of the speakers, should the event be selected.
Selected organisations will be asked to submit a report on their event activities to the WFLED Secretariat, with the aim of including them in the final report of the Forum. More information on the format of the reports will be provided after the selection process is finalised.